First United Methodist, Brookhaven, offer prayers for individuals within our faith community
who request our prayers, as well as praying for others in our community, as well as the church
universal. We pray for our community, our nation, and our world.
Our PRAYER LIST is a way in which we can lift up and support those who are facing trials,
such as illnesses, as well as those celebrating joys. Prayer is not just about asking, it is also about
offering thanks.
If you or a loved one would like to be added to the PRAYER LIST, please fill out this form, or
you may contact the church office at 601.833.3519, or email the church at
[email protected], contact one of the clergy staff directly, or drop a note in one of the
Tithe boxes on Sunday mornings.
Names submitted will remain on the PRAYER LIST for one week. Please contact us if the
length of time needs to be adjusted. Information submitted online will be shared
confidentially with our pastoral staff.